The the Island of Swallows – an Ideal Place to Relax From the Routine and Bustle

Arriving in Nha Trang – one of the most popular Vietnamese resorts, you will want to know what interesting places are located nearby. One of the local attractions is the island of Swallows, which will be discussed in this article.

In Khanh Hoa province you can meet many foreign tourists. Most of them, having learned about the huge number of positive reviews about local beauty, are sent to the city of Nha Trang. This is due to its very favorable location – the resort stretches for hundreds of kilometers along the coast of the South China Sea. The climate of this region is great for recreation – even in winter, the air temperature rarely drops below 10 degrees. In the summer, it fluctuates between an exceptionally pleasant 22-28 ° C, and the water warms even more – up to 29 ° C.

View of the island Swallows from the top of the hill

Variety of Vietnamese Beauties

Of course, Nha Trang, as one of the resort centers of Vietnam, boasts a considerable number of tourist highlights. Among them: famous Po Nagar towers, Ba Ho waterfalls and Yang Bay and much more. But, according to numerous visitors to the Island of Swallows, it is on it that it is best to relax and unwind from the everyday hustle and bustle.

A Little Trip to a Fairy Tale

Excursion to the island of swallows
Tours on the island Swallows pass from early spring to mid-autumn.

Excursions to the island of Swallows take place several times a week from early spring to mid-autumn. They last about 12 hours in total. The organizing company arranges a collection of tourists who bought tickets directly from their hotels, after which the bus leaves for the port. The island is located at a distance of 25 kilometers from the city. Therefore, the next hour and a half you will enjoy the sea voyage, admiring the picturesque landscapes of the coast of Nha Trang.

Be prepared for the fact that tour can be transferred for a day or two, because for the safety of tourists the boat leaves for the island only in calm weather.

Upon arrival, the first thing you will be shown is the nest of swallows and will tell you why they are collected. This is very interesting, because for the Vietnamese bird dwelling is a gastronomic delight. Based on the reviews of the tourists who tried it – very tasty and satisfying. And if you consider that this dish contains a lot of iodine, phosphorus, calcium and iron – it is also very useful.

It Is Important Not to Forget the Swimsuit

Of course, arriving on a colorful island, you want to swim, because the warm and clear water attracts. And this procedure is included in the excursion program as much as two times – before lunch and after it. Equipment (life jackets, tubes and masks) is issued on the island, but you need to take care of swimming trunks and a towel yourself.

Beach Swallow Island

Another feature of the island Swallows are located near the coral reefs, which are inhabited by many bright and attractive fish. It is recommended to take equipment for underwater shooting – you can make great shots.

We recommend to read the article: “Diving in Vietnam”.

Force swim enough enough

Of course, attention should be paid to the dinner mentioned above. Especially since the Swallows are fed on the island in a hearty and varied way, you will be offered a themed buffet, which includes Vietnamese fruit, seafood and rum.

Swallows Nest

Alas, the cooked swallow nests will not be tasted, because in South Asia, they are considered a delicacy and cost about $ 3,000 per kilo! This is not surprising, because if you immerse yourself in biology, birds living on the island are not ordinary swallows, but salangans are one of the swifts. And only a few species of these birds make edible nests. They prefer to live in caves that are difficult for people to access, which complicates the collection of delicacies. This is done by experienced climbers.

Peace and quiet

View from the bungalow to the shore

It should also be noted that the island of Swallows is a protected area of ​​Vietnam and is protected by the state. There is always quiet and calm because of the very small number of people. You almost will not meet anyone, except for the excursion group, guide, as well as restaurant workers, and you will be able to feel a special unity with nature.

If you admire the seascapes and swim quickly get bored, then pay attention to the local jungle. They are full of exotic plants and almost never exposed to humans. And another particularly entertaining corner of the island is the sand bar connecting its two parts. Its width is only a few tens of meters, and from two sides lies the endless sea.

Relax and enjoy the beautiful views!

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